Day 13: Called to the Principal’s Office

9 Mar

I have another appointment tomorrow to see Dr. C. I get the stitches out tomorrow, and I am so incredibly nervous about that. Has anyone ever gotten stitches taken out?? Does it hurt? I can’t imagine how it could possibly not hurt. Anytime I accidentally wiggle my toes or step down on my foot, it hurts like you wouldn’t believe. I’m about 93.78% sure that I will cry, at least it won’t be the first time I’ve cried in Dr. C’s office, hopefully he will just hand me a tissue like last time!

I’m also scared that I am going to get in trouble. I mean I’ve done everything I’m supposed to… haven’t gotten the foot wet, elevate when I can, nothing wild and crazy, but I still can’t walk on it. He told me to put weight on it, but it’s so uncomfortable. I found myself in a predicament this evening when I had a drink – that I REALLY wanted to drink, but was home alone. The drink needed to get from point A (my car) to point B (living room) somehow. I decided I would try to put weight on the foot and just go real slow. I made it, but I am walking on the side of my foot. It hurts like crazy to put the inside of my foot down (the arch side). So… I’m walking on the outer edge of my foot, and I’m terrified I’m going to end up fracturing something there or something along those lines. I don’t think Dr. C is going to like the fact that I have not been putting hardly any weight on it, but I’m just not going to do it while it hurts this bad.

Oh- and for yesterday, since it was Mardi Gras, I went out with some friends for dinner and drinks. That was the longest my foot was ever down and never elevated since the surgery. When I got home my foot looked like a small blimp. It was so swollen, and I couldn’t stop laughing my big toe. Swollen toes really are funny looking!

Oh, and I’m pretty sure that no more stitches means I can get the foot wet! It will be farewell to dumpster foot, and hello SHOWER! I should have some fun pics for tomorrow!!!!

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