Archive | April, 2011

1 Month 14 days: I didn’t fall off the planet!

7 Apr

I’m BACK! Wow, do I feel guilty for not updating everyone! I’ve had two doctor’s appointments since my last post. The big difference here is I CAN WALK AGAIN!!!! Now, would you be blogging, or out walking! Heck yeah! Okay, so I’m a little excited but it wasn’t that easy getting here. And I’m not fully healed yet obviously.

My doc appointment on March 22 was when I got taken off the crutches. He put me in regular tennis shoes. It was horrible to walk at first. I was mainly walking on the outside of my foot. Oh yeah, here’s my foot from that day.

Just to show you how the swelling was that day…

Just to show you how the swelling was that day!

What he sent me home from his office... 2 band-aids!

I was in complete shock that he sent me home with two band-aids!!! The swelling is getting better every day, but I generally come home to sausage toes in the evening. Walking got easier and easier as the cut was healing… however most of my walking was on the outer edge of my foot. I was extremely worried that I was going to injure my foot in another way, but thankfully now, I’m past that stage.

I had another doctor appointment on April 5, 2011. Dr. C told me I was a slow healer. I wasn’t shocked. There was a lot of dead skin around the incision (which you may see in the picture below…) All that puffy stuff – yep, dead skin. Gross isn’t it? It does feel better now that he cut it off, but I went in to that Dr. appointment not wanting him to touch it! Guess what the first thing he did was. You got it, cut all the skin off. It does feel better now though. Thanks Dr. C. It actually looks better without it anyways, plus you can see the two spots that aren’t completely healed up too.

Well either I’m doing something wrong on this site is acting funny – maybe it doesn’t like all my pictures. So I will just have the rest of my text here, and you guys will have to sort through the images!

There is a picture of my foot at the bottom. Doesn’t it look much better? We’re on on the downhill slope team. Yes! I’ll leave you with the words of Charlie Sheen “Wow. What does that mean? I’m bi-WINNING.”

I will finish this soon… tired of fidgeting with the computer!

4/4/11 You can see the dead skin around the cut


What he sent me home from his office... 2 bandaids!

My foot last night 4/6/11
P.S. I think I am going to make a progression page to show the pictures as it heals. You know, Like a flip book, but not.