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Day 4 = Sucky

28 Feb

So today was a rough day. Like really rough. Let me back up to yesterday evening though. Last night I could tell today would suck. The pain was getting stronger and stronger, it still felt like someone was cutting open my foot over and over. It was manageable, yet not fun. Overnight, the same feeling remained with me along with a burning sensation along what I would guess is the incision. Totally sucked…

I made sure not to miss my pain meds this morning, although I think everything would have been better if I had. I took them at 7:00am and woke up around 9:30 extremely nauseous and just overall not feeling well. I thought I was just tired, so I went back to sleep. Woke up another hour later, and just broke down and started crying, I just felt plain horrible. I have a high tolerance for pain, but the one thing I just can not deal with is nausea. I turned into a 5-year-old I am sure. I think the upset stomach was from taking the pain meds with no food in my stomach, and the problem now was that I didn’t want to eat. I finally ate a breadstick and drank some milk.. then went back to sleep. We’re going to try to ween me off the pain meds more and more now so I can start functioning normal again. I am so dizzy, tired, and have a headache all the time. If I am ever going to get back to work, we’re going to have to fix this.

Had to email my supervisor earlier to let her know I’m not coming in tomorrow, and probably not Wednesday either. Don’t know what I’ll do about Thursday & Friday because I have to work because its month end closing. My Post-op appointment is tomorrow. I’ll give more info then.. my head is pounding and telling  me I’ve typed enough. Until tomorrow…

Recovery – The first few days

27 Feb

  So thats the “Shoe” thing I wear. I only wear it when I’m on the move..

  I have to keep my foot elevated, so I’ve had it propped up on 2 pillows for the last few days. I’m not allowed to get the dressing wet either, so… a lot of lying around and watching movies has been going on.

 Here’s how my recovery is going so far:

Day 1: Coming home for the surgery center. This was all a breeze! I was expecting to feel kinda bad all weekend, not want visitors, and to feel sick from the pain meds, but this was not the case. I called a bunch of my family on the way home to let them know everything went fine. They were all expecting to talk to my husband, so it was fun to surprise them! I was in no pain at all. I’m not allowed to put ANY weight on it at all, so if I am to get up and move anywhere, I am on crutches. Let me tell you – going to the restroom is a huge chore now. UGH.

I never felt uncomfortable, my foot was still pretty much numb from the anesthesia. My mother in law touched my toes, and it just feels like a weird tingly feeling (don’t like that feeling!). I can describe it to you as if you’ve sat on your foot and it falls asleep, and it feels like that.. slightly tingling – not to be confused with the pins & needles feeling when your foot wakes up. It was never that uncomfortable. Pretty much uneventful on day one, my Mother-in-law and Father-in-law came over and brought me some movies and other goodies and visited for a while. All was fine!

Saturday Recovery Day #2: Life is still good. No pain again, it still feels like the tingly numbness, but nothing uncomfortable. I layed in bed watching movies/tv most of the day. I should mention I have been staying ON TOP of my pain meds. I have some form of hydrocodone, I take it every 4 -5 hours, and dont’ miss a dose! If my foot is going to hurt, I don’t want to feel it. I even set an alarm for the middle of the night and my husband gets me my medicine.. then go back to sleep! For the first time on Saturday evening I felt like I could feel pain at the actual incision point. Up til then it was just the numb/tingling all over the foot. But now, I had started to feel a little bit of pain at the cutting point. It wasn’t a lot of pain, but I could feel it. Still happy about the surgery though, this pain is NOTHING compared to what I have been through for the past year and a half!

Sunday Recovery Day #3 so far: Everything is still going well. I accidentally set my alarm for “weekdays only” so I should have taken pain meds at 6:00am, but didn’t until 9:00am, whoops! I’m doing okay though. This morning I feel more pain at the incision point, I described it to my husband as in it feels like someone is slicing my foot over and over in the same location. A little throbbing, but nothing I can’t handle. It probably doesn’t help that I basically missed a dose of pain meds, but I’ll get back on track. I’ve got ice on it right now, which I wish I could put on the bottom of my foot, I think that would feel delightful, but I can’t get the dressing wet. I am so curious so see what my foot will look like when they take the dressing off it. Don’t worry, I’ll take pictures 🙂 Thats all for now, I’ve finally caught up!

A foot story…

26 Feb

I know what you’re thinking.. this seems like a weird blog site. Well, It kinda is. I’ve been having problems with my foot since July of 2009, and I just had surgery on it yesterday. Yes, that is an incredibly long time to be dealing with this whole situation, and I can’t express how excited I am that I’m finally on the home stretch.

The entire time I’ve been going through all this I’ve been searching ANYWHERE on the internet to find any piece of information I could get my hands on to help me figure out what was going on, get answers to all of my questions, or see what this whole experience would be like. What I found was a lot of people had questions, but no one was giving information! I hope that my story can help at least one person out there with their situation. I’m planning on being open and honest, so no one should feel like there is a stupid question! Ask away, it’s why I’m doing this!